Q & A details - What volts and current should i use to weld a 10mm mid steel butt joint?
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What volts and current should i use to weld a 10mm mid steel butt joint?

1 answer Reward0 Remaining Time 0 Day

My problem is that my machine just has a number setting, its an INE MM382, i am completing a weld procedure and need to figure out the volts,wire speed and current 

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  • 0861788249

    0861788249 2017-02-06 09:16:04

    If the base material is aluminum- use aluminum wire. If the base material is steel use steel wire. These two materials are different in a lot of ways and are not suitable to weld to each other. If you are going to mix aluminum with steel for a constructed project- do not join the two materials with a weld. A high strength adhesive or mechanical fastener is required. Besides the difference in mechanical properties- the combination is very similar to that of a battery. Electronic action will take place over time and when combined with the differences in metallurgy the welds will fail!

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