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Metal work question welding?

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Ok i want to shape weld and cut steel of 2mm to 5mm to shape for a composite shell for a university robotics project, what sort of welding would be involved in this and what is the most effective method for shaping and cutting steal sheeting to spec? 

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  • 0861788249

    0861788249 2017-02-09 09:56:33

    http://www.weldingvideos.net/. Try a Google search for "pipe welding tips", "6g", etc. You Tube has some welding videos. You might find something useful there. Sometimes public and school libraries have good stuff too. What kind of test are you looking at? Watching good welders work on something similar is incredibly helpful. Your local community college (if they have a welding program) or a welding company might let you hang around and watch. Of course you might have to pay for a class or get hired-on somewhere, but it would still be helpful. Good luck! Let me know if I can help.

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