Q & A details - How to weld metal and the basics of welding?
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How to weld metal and the basics of welding?

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what are the basics of welding and troubleshooting 

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  • 0861788249

    0861788249 2017-02-10 09:36:52

    Practice, and that depends on type of welding that you plan on doing. Temperature the thickness of materials and preparation helps also, keep your metal clean . If joining two pieces of metal just tac each end and depending on metal thickness start your bead keeping rod distance approx. the same as rod diameter away from metal. I usually pull my bead, holding the stinger at a slight angle and spiral or go side to side . If the metal is thin just weld small segments at a time to keep warpage to a minimum. Trial and error. Wire brush, chipping hammer, safety glasses and at least a # 10 Lens in your welding hood. Safety first. I wood start with 6011 welding rods 1/16" or 1/8" they don't make the prettiest welds but they work on most steels, 7018 rods are cleaner but require more control if you are welding overhead or vertical. And always wear good leather gloves and a set of upper leather leathers and a beanie and ear plugs are also good to keep those pesky splatters from entering your ear.

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