Q & A details - How to weld cast aluminum?
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How to weld cast aluminum?

1 answer Reward0 Remaining Time 0 Day

I broke the swing-arm of a cut-off saw, need to know how to weld it back. I have a stick welder and can weld steel, but have never messed with cast aluminum. 

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  • 0861788249

    0861788249 2017-02-13 10:43:10

    Yes it could be welded with stick but the rod is hard to find (not that good of quality of weld too). Your best bet is to have it tig welded. If you have never welded aluminum then it is probably best to get someone to weld it for you. I would take it apart and take the parts to a weld shop and get an estimate on it. It may be cheaper to try to get the replacement parts from the manufacturer. Or look on eBay for a saw that's the same and try to find one that is damaged you'll get it cheaper. (30 + years welding - certified)

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