Q & A details - Does OSHA require any special certification for welding?
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Does OSHA require any special certification for welding?

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Just wondering if an employee needs any special certification for the occasional welding job...not a full time welding job. 

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  • 0861788249

    0861788249 2017-02-13 11:03:35

    No. OSHA does not have "special" certifications for welding. In general OSHA requires that employers train their employees regarding the hazards of their job. If you are welding as part of your job, then your employer should provide training about that task. Common subjects to cover regarding welding safety include: personal protective equipment (helmet, gloves, apron, etc.), fumes, and fire safety. OSHA will not require any "certification for welding." OSHA is only concerned that employees are trained and safely performing their duties. OSHA specifically states, "Workmen designated to operate arc welding equipment shall have been properly instructed and qualified to operate such equipment." It gives no further requirements. For more information about welding safety, here is a free resource page from National Safety Compliance: http://www.freeoshainfo.com/pubpages/welding.htm This page has free downloads of 10 different welding related safety publications.

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