Q & A details - Need some information on welding jobs?
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Need some information on welding jobs?

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I'm going to college to get a welding certificate what should I expect on the course in the UK?

further more I would like some information on what the actual job is like it seems dangerous but rewarding

finally I have one more question why do so many people not know what welding is, why is it so unheard of in England?

Thank you for any help :D 

Other answers

  • 0861788249

    0861788249 2017-02-14 09:32:54

    Most welding jobs are manufacturing jobs and are done by robots while you watch and repair any bad welds, etc.... it is a very manual type of labour these days... unless you do specific types of welding like underwater welding of ships, etc. You will be expected to know how to mix your gases and set your equipment for proper mig and tig welds, etc. Besides getting flashed, the job is not dangerous... it is just very boring standing there welding one item after another day after day.

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