Q & A details - What do amperage and voltage do in welding?
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What do amperage and voltage do in welding?

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My Uncle is teaching me t weld and he told me to find out what each of these do. I am having trouble finding an answer on my internet search. Can someone help or tell me a good place to find this information. Thanks :) 

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  • 0861788249

    0861788249 2017-02-15 09:44:19

    The current flow is what controls the heat or penetration of the weld. Too much current burns through thinner materials. Too little current fails to melt enough of the material being welded and results in no penetration and weak welds. The welds can actually look OK with too little current, but a bend test answers that quickly. Voltage affects the maximum length of the arc. Per Ohm's law, since I = E / R, where I is current, E is Voltage, and R is resistance, a higher voltage results in higher current unless you keep the arc too long, which increases resistance and lowers current

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