Q & A details -Do you need any sort of shielding gas when tig welding?
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Do you need any sort of shielding gas when tig welding?

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What is the difference between electric and gas welding then? I thought tig welding was a form of electric welding. 

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  • 0861788249

    0861788249 2017-02-17 09:56:40

    TIG is an electric welding in which the fusion of the base metal is achieved with an electric arc formed between a tungsten electrode and the work piece. The gas here (mostly Argon) is used only to protect the electric arc and the molten weld pool from the negative effect of Oxygen and Nitrogen from the air. The gas welding uses as heat source a flame which is formed by burning Acetylene and oxygen mix. So in this case the gas is the heat source and there is no need for electricity.

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