Q & A details - What exactly is pipeline welding?
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What exactly is pipeline welding?

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I am considering welding as a career. I want to travel a lot, so would I be able to travel all over america and weld? What exactly is pipeline welding? There is a big demand for it now, but will there be problems getting jobs welding in 10 years? What is the union? What kind of welders make very good money, and what all do they have to do? Thanks in advance, any replies are appriciated. 

Other answers

  • 0861788249

    0861788249 2017-02-17 10:46:19

    Pipeline welding is a sporatic job. There can be times of great demand and others when there is little work. The locations where you have to work can be difficult with very hot and very cold weather not to mention swamps to deserts and offshore barges. The work is very repetitive and the hours can be very long (10 to 12 or more a day). You will spend most of your time just burning rod and or waiting for others to do their job.

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