Q & A details - Any tips on welding?
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Any tips on welding?

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I am trying to weld a part of the axle on my truck but the damn rod keeps getting stuck as soon as I touch it on there. And when it seems like im welding a little bit its not doing shi-t, Just bouncing around and putting weld spots everywhere. Any tips I should know? 

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  • 0861788249

    0861788249 2017-02-17 10:46:44

    Your not using enough heat for 1.But if this is a hardened axle it prob shouldn't be welded.A experienced tig welder would be the best bet but still if its the axle get a new or used one.If its welding on the reared housing u can weld that with 6011.6011 is a general purpose rod that is a lot easier to run than 7018.Use a 1/8 rod 125 amps Good luck

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