Q & A details -What is the best way to weld cast iron?
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What is the best way to weld cast iron?

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My big pot belley stove developed a crack in the side. I can weld and cut metal but I have never welded cast Iron. 

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  • 0861788249

    0861788249 2017-02-21 09:17:04

    It can be welded but you need to use Ni-rod which is meant for cast iron the metal must be pre heated to at least 500 deg F in order to get the metal fully expanded. The most important part is the post heating which does not allow the metal to cool too quickly which will cause it to re crack. you can post heat by keeping some heat on it over 1-2 hours while reducing the heat until it is cool reduce 100 deg every half hour until cool or the best way is too bury the piece in sand that is heated in order to allow it to cool slowly 20 years Union welding instructor

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