Q & A details - Aluminum welding advise?
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Aluminum welding advise?

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I need to lay down two 3" welds on some 1/8 aluminum but my welder is not set up for it. could i just out fit my welder with aluminum wire without buying the spool gun and get the same results? or maybe I should just get a welding shop to do it for me? 

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  • 0861788249

    0861788249 2017-02-21 09:18:36

    its easy to put a spool of Al wire in a mig welder, but that isn't the issue. as mentioned previously, the Al wire is very soft and may present problems feeding through the long feed tube. hence the design of the spool gun ... tube length = none ... no tube, soft wire has no opportunity to bend or kink - what u haven't considered is that the shielding gas may have to be changed. new tank ... and possibly new regulator (or at the least new connection nipple) regardless ... way too much fooling around for two three inch welds - furthermore, welding aluminum is VERY difficult, and thin aluminum even more difficult. it takes a loooooot of practice - take may advice, go to a weld shop. a guy experienced in welding Al could do this on about 2 min. talk to the foremen, i have taken really small jobs like this to shops and they were glad to do it for a small fee or a contribution to the guys 'coffe fund' or something like that. - good luck, hope this helps

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