Q & A details -How do you weld?
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How do you weld?

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How do you weld?

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  • 0861788249

    0861788249 2017-03-02 10:58:54

    in order to make a weld you need a welder The above post is a little simplistic but you basically weld using gas or electricity to melt the base metal allowing you to add metal via a flux coated or bare rod. If using gas to melt you would use a bare rod to add - if using electricity to melt you would add a bare rod (with a covering gas) or flux coated rod (which forms its own gas). There are so many welding processes that techniques and equipment vary widely.

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  • 0861788249

    0861788249 2017-03-02 10:58:29

    in order to make a weld you need a welder The above post is a little simplistic but you basically weld using gas or electricity to melt the base metal allowing you to add metal via a flux coated or bare rod. If using gas to melt you would use a bare rod to add - if using electricity to melt you would add a bare rod (with a covering gas) or flux coated rod (which forms its own gas). There are so many welding processes that techniques and equipment vary widely.

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