Q & A details -Can you convert a 220 welding machine to a 110 welding machine?
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Can you convert a 220 welding machine to a 110 welding machine?

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Can you convert a 220 welding machine to a 110 welding machine?

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  • 0861788249

    0861788249 2017-03-06 09:56:14

    Probably not. Some machines can be connected to a variety of voltage situations, most can not. An electrician could tell you if your machine is one of these. WHAT I HAVE IS A 220 VOLT 100 AMP SPEEDWAY SERIES. ITS LIKE THE MACHINE DOESNT WANT TO HOT ENOUGH. TRANSFORMER HAS DOUBLE MOVABLE CORE. You need a 110 to 220 volt transformer capable of providing at least 100 amperes on the 220 side. This transformer will pull more than 200 amperes from the 110 outlet. You may need an electrician to rewire your breaker panel and service connection.

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