Q & A details -Why does the zinc melt process have to ensure that there is enough molten metal zinc?
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Why does the zinc melt process have to ensure that there is enough molten metal zinc?

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In the process of recycling cemented carbide scrap

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  • 0865598567

    0865598567 2019-05-05 11:03:59

    ①The formation of the 1CoZn4 alloy phase must consume the theoretical amount of metal zinc. ② At the operating temperature, the alloy phases CoZn4 and WC are both solid phases. In addition to increasing the temperature to enhance thermal diffusion, it is very important to ensure sufficient amount of molten metal zinc to disperse. ③ Waste cemented carbide sheets are high-density hard blocks, which remain in the original shape after the metal zinc is melted. The zinc alloy ratio is too small, and the zinc liquid cannot completely cover the alloy sheets, which is not conducive to melting.

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