Q & A details -Distinguish between wire drawing and tube drawing?
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Distinguish between wire drawing and tube drawing?

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Distinguish between wire drawing and tube drawing? 

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  • 0861788249

    0861788249 2017-01-14 09:23:41

    It took me awhile to realize that this is not a Drawing & Illustration question, but an Engineering one Wire drawing involves starting with a solid cold thick rod pointed on one end that fits into a die (hardened hole rigidly mounted) then grabbed with a clamp and pulled through the die, making it smaller and longer. In production multiple dies are placed one after the other with bending pulleys to reverse the path and apply additional pull. Eventually the wire is wound around a drum. Tube drawing requires starting with molten metal that is forced through a hole with a mandrel (center piece) that creates the hollow center. Seamless drawing involves pulling this down. Seamed tube drawing involved bending a narrow flat strip over a mandrel in the die sleeve and welding the seam.

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