Q & A details -Is it true that the welding earth should not be confused with the welding return?and if so we're is the welding earth located and how to check please, beginner. Most simplistic answer please,
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Is it true that the welding earth should not be confused with the welding return?and if so we're is the welding earth located and how to check please, beginner. Most simplistic answer please,

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Is it true that the welding earth should not be confused with the welding return?and if so we're is the welding earth located and how to check please, beginner. Most simplistic answer please,

Other answers

  • 0861788249

    0861788249 2017-01-16 09:47:14

    Yes there is a difference With welding , you can have AC welding and DC welding. Most of the stick welders use AC electrodes with a grounding clamp. The grounding clamp is actually part of the alternating current where the current flows thru the electrode and back thru the grounding clamp.

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