Q & A details -What is the difference in 1020 carbon steel, 1025 carbon steel and 1035 carbon steel?
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What is the difference in 1020 carbon steel, 1025 carbon steel and 1035 carbon steel?

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  • 0861788249

    0861788249 2017-01-18 10:09:40

    The difference is the composition of carbon and breaks down as follows: * Mild (low carbon) steel: approximately 0.05–0.15% carbon content for low carbon steel and 0.16-0.29% carbon content for mild steel[1] (e.g. AISI 1018 steel). Mild steel has a relatively low tensile strength, but it is cheap and malleable; surface hardness can be increased through carburizing.[2] * Medium carbon steel: approximately 0.30–0.59% carbon content[1](e.g. AISI 1040 steel). Balances ductility and strength and has good wear resistance; used for large parts, forging and automotive components.[3] * High carbon steel: approximately 0.6–0.99% carbon content [1]. Very strong, used for springs and high-strength wires.[4] * Ultra-high carbon steel: approximately 1.0–2.0% carbon content [1]. Steels that can be tempered to great hardness. Used for special purposes like (non-industrial-purpose) knives, axles or punches. Most steels with more than 1.2% carbon content are made using powder metallurgy and usually fall in the category of high alloy carbon steels.

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