Q & A details - If you can flux weld, will you be able to gas weld? Are they the same level of difficulty?
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If you can flux weld, will you be able to gas weld? Are they the same level of difficulty?

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I'm new to wire feed welding. I may buy a flux welder [no gas] rather than a gas welder for the simple reason it is cheaper. 

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  • 0861788249

    0861788249 2017-01-19 10:31:29

    Flux welding will give a deeper weld penetration, but gas welding is so much cleaner. And you don't have to remove the flux afterwards. I try to never flux weld. The spatter is not worth it and the flux is a real mess to have to chip off. My welds look great uaing a shielding gas. If you want good looking consistent welds, get a real gas mig welder.

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