Q & A details - Why can't i look at the blue light when someone is welding?
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Why can't i look at the blue light when someone is welding?

1 answer Reward0 Remaining Time 0 Day

my friend's dad was hackin' welding today and he hollered at me not to look at the hackin' blue light and i did anyway, and he hackin' hollered at me again because it will "hurt my eyes"...

why will it hurt my hackin' eyes? i do not understand. =[ 

Other answers

  • 0861788249

    0861788249 2017-01-20 10:05:22

    There is a lot more UV in this light than sunlight. It is a similar thing to staring at the sun, there is enough energy in the light to permanently damage the eyes - in fact it can cause total and permanent blindness (electric arc welding). Total blindness is rare however, more likely in poverty situations (countries) where few precautions are taken.

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