Q & A details - What is the difference between Mig and Arc Welding? Also, is Arc the same as TIG welding?
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What is the difference between Mig and Arc Welding? Also, is Arc the same as TIG welding?

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Have to do an assignment describing the mig and arc welding processess. Not sure if mig and arc welding is the same thing and if it isnt, not sure if arc and tig is the same thing? Please help? 

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  • 0861788249

    0861788249 2017-01-23 10:52:21

    Mig and TIG welding are all arc welding. TIG is arc welding in the presence of a tungsten electrode which is non-consumable and an inert gas and the welded material. This is usually used in the aircraft industry. MIG welding is still arc welding in the presence of argon and wire feed consumable. TIG is usually a better welding technique. These are different from stick arc welding which uses flux coated sticks in developing an arc.

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