



The customer said that the hardness of the coating was not wear-resistant. What should I do

Wococarbide provides powders of various hardness. When customers buy powder according to their own needs, but the feedback says: the quality of the products I buy from you is not good, and the coating is not wear-resistant. Similarly, we should first understand how customers test.

A customer used an angle grinder to grind our thermally sprayed coating, and then told me: "the coating you made is not wear-resistant, I can grind it off with an angle grinder.

Later, I gave this client an "example of water dripping on a stone". I believe everyone can understand this simple fact. In this world, nothing will not wear out, because it is not enough to complete the work. Another problem is that the oxide layer on the surface of the coating is polished off to reveal the metal color, which does not mean that the coating has disappeared. The tungsten carbide coating will brighten after polishing. When many customers use it, the coating is smooth, and it is said that the coating has disappeared. This analysis is very arbitrary. The main method is to use spectrometer to analyze whether the coating still exists.

Remember that we must use scientific methods to judge the hardness, wear resistance and corrosion resistance of the coating, so as to make it reasonable and based, rather than using some methods that violate the regulations.

For more information about the 3D printing powder, spraying coat powder, or WC based powder, you may search online wococarbide. Wococarbide Provide various products and technical questions and answers.




