



Personal Protection - because of the ultraviolet light that is emitted by the welding, it is important that you wear your cutting glasses, goggles and helmet. Make sure to have the hood down before you begin welding to prevent welding flash which is a common injury to the eyes.

Respiratory protection - Fumes such as nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide are produced when welding is taking place. You have to protect yourself from these and metals such as copper, vanadium, zinc, manganese, chromium, fluoride, cadmium and lead.

Fire safety - whenever you are welding, fire is definitely a hazard. Before you begin torch cutting or welding, you need to first inspect the area where you will be working for combustibles. If there are combustibles, move them at least 35 feet away from where you will be working. Ensure that you have a fire extinguisher close by.

Chemical Safety - You must ensure that if you are going to be torch cutting or welding items that each one of them does not have any flammable materials, toxic or explosive materials, acid, tar or grease.


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