


       In the first trading day of April, tungsten prices in China maintain stability compared with last month. The new policy of added-value tax (VAT) was officially implemented in April, which would affect the cost calculation of mainstream tungsten products.  

Although sellers have the wiliness of sales, under the continued weak demand, traders remain low buying appetite. With the approaching of Tomb-Sweeping Day, most market participants take a watchful stance, waiting for the new guide prices from large complainers and tungsten institutions, and the movement in inventories in Fanya Metal.

Alloy and Tungsten Material Enterprise - Regular shipment, although there are not many new orders, but the old orders are also purchased on demand. Alloy enterprises according to payment terms and payment methods at the end of the month and the beginning of the month to give a flat or slightly increased bidding contract.

In the industry, 3% VAT reduction is used as a concession condition to force the front-end concessions from the back-end. This is only because the tungsten industry is in a weak position, the overall market supply and demand is unbalanced, and the back-end keeps pressing prices for space. But what's puzzling is, when both powder and APT have yielded benefits, where is the price going?


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