Q & A details - Can I weld on hydraulic cylinder?
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Can I weld on hydraulic cylinder?

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Got hydraulic cylinder looking to weld couple plates on it so I can bolt/weld it onto trailer its not pressurized or hooked up can I weld the plates directly onto the cylinder tube and is there a procedure to do that? I was thinking fill it up with hydraulic fluid extend the piston all way out with it full of fluid disconnect it and weld on it that way so the fluid will take and dissipate heat from burning the seals up.

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  • 0861788249

    0861788249 2017-01-22 10:55:38

    As a welder fabricator for a heavy equipment shop I do it all the time, if your talking about welding to the side of the cylinder just extend or retract the ram so the piston is as far from your work as possible and fill with water, don't cap it, use a piece of hose for a gravity siphon, steam can be dangerous.but not as dangerous as burning oil. the water will aide in keeping the distortion down to a minimum. if your welding to the boss end don't worry about it, extend and weld, no need for water.

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