



1. Fasten the whole machine and check whether the whole fastening machine is loose or damaged. The method adopted is to replace the whole machine with the same specifications;


2. The punch is easy to be broken, bent and broken during the use of the die, and the punch sleeve is generally broken. The damage of the punch and sleeve is generally replaced with a complete machine of the same specification. The important parameters of the punch include the size of the working department, the size of the resettlement department, and the length dimension;


Third, the complete press machine such as the press plate, Youli Glue, etc., the complete discharge machine such as the stripper, pneumatic ejector, etc. During recuperation, check the relationship between the parts of each part and whether it is damaged, repair the damaged department, check whether there are signs of air leakage by pneumatic jacking, and adopt the steps for the detailed environment. Replace if the trachea is damaged;


Four. After long-term use of the die, the cutting edge must be sharpened. After grinding, the cutting edge surface must be demagnetized. It cannot be magnetized, otherwise it is easy to cause blockage;


5. Springs and other elastic machines are most easily destroyed in the process of use, usually showing signs of fracture and deformation. The method adopted is replacement. The specification and model of the spring must be detailed during the replacement process. The specification and model of the spring are confirmed by the three items of color, outer diameter and length. The replacement can only be done under the same environment. .


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