


       In order to meet the user's accuracy, quality and performance requirements, the concept of "precision" must be established in the entire production process of the design and manufacture of cemented carbide drawing molds. Cemented carbide drawing dies are precision forming tools, and the response is in the following two aspects:

1. The dimensional accuracy and shape accuracy requirements of the parts must be met, to ensure the interchangeability of the parts in the mass forming process, and to ensure the reliability requirements in the long-term use. Therefore, the accuracy level of the mold usually needs to be higher than that of the production 2 Grade or above.

2. The accuracy of the mold is also affected by the mutual fit gap and uniformity of the molded parts. In this way, the matching accuracy between the mold guide pair, the structural part and the support part, the positioning accuracy between the connected parts, and the position accuracy must be further improved. improve. That is to say, in order to ensure the extremely uniformity of the fit gap between the molded parts, the accuracy and surface quality of each part of the mold will be involved.

The fit gap and uniformity between the molded parts are the "closed ring" that constitutes the mold assembly dimension chain. In order to ensure the accuracy of the closed ring, the accuracy and quality of the parts must be improved.


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