



Surface spraying
is an economical and effective surface treatment technology to improve the
performance by welding or thermal spraying on the metal surface.


Surface coating
can improve the wear resistance, corrosion resistance and thermal insulation of
metal surface. Surface coating can also be used to repair damaged parts, so
that there is no need to completely replace parts. This repair method can
effectively prolong the service life of parts. All these applications are to
obtain wear resistance, corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance or
impact resistance. The realization of these comprehensive properties requires
the selection of special surface coating powder formula according to the
specific application.


The powder
produced by wococarbide is very suitable for the needs of surface coating
processes and applications, such as powder welding, flame spraying, plasma
spraying, supersonic flame spraying (HVOF), air combustion assisted supersonic
flame spraying (HVAF), plasma transfer arc surfacing (PTA), laser cladding and
cold spraying.


For more
information about the 3D printing powder, spraying coat powder, or WC based
powder, you may search online wococarbide. Wococarbide Provide various products
and technical questions and answers.


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