


       2 Relative magnetic saturation of WC-Co cemented carbide (relative saturation magnetization)

The ratio of the specific saturation magnetization (4πδ γ) of the alloy γ phase to the specific saturation magnetization of pure cobalt (4πδ cobalt) is called the relative saturation magnetization (relative magnetic saturation) of the alloy (γ phase), and the unit is %. Writing: alloy (γ phase) relative saturation magnetization (%) = (4πδ γ) / (4πδ cobalt) = (4πδ alloy/X γ) / (4πδ cobalt) At 20 ℃, the specific saturation magnetization of pure cobalt is 4πδ cobalt =160 Gs · cm 3 /g=2 020 A · m 2 /kg.

Suppose: the alloy's specific saturation magnetization 4πδ alloy = e; the correction factor of the instrument = 1.0×× (the correction factor of each instrument is different, and the correction factor of the self-hardening instrument = 1.084 or 1.032. The standard should be measured before the sample is measured. Sample, and then calculate the instrument correction factor). Therefore: the relative magnetic saturation of the alloy (%) = e×1.0××/ (1.6×w cobalt) where w cobalt is the true cobalt content of the alloy. According to the formula, when we measure the alloy's specific saturation magnetization 4πδ alloy, we can calculate the relative saturation magnetization of the alloy (γ phase) and draw the relationship between the alloy's specific saturation magnetization e value and the alloy cobalt content and relative magnetic saturation value. . As mentioned above, when the composition and impurity content in the alloy are fixed, the decrease of carbon in the WC-Co cemented carbide increases the W content in the γ phase, thereby reducing the magnetic properties of the γ phase. When we measure the specific saturation magnetization of 4πδ alloys with different carbon contents of various grades (different cobalt content) alloys, we can calculate the various relative magnetic saturation values of various grades of alloys with different carbon contents.


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