



The importance of thermal spray technology to the field of surface engineering

Surface engineering is one of the key technologies for industrial development in the 21st century. Surface technologies are divided into three categories: surface modification technology, thin film technology and coating technology. Thermal spraying technology is a very important technology in the field of surface engineering, accounting for approximately 1/3 of the technology is a new technology for repairing and pre-protecting mechanical parts developed abroad in the 1950s. It can extend the service life of the parts and components of various mechanical equipment vehicles. The coating can strengthen or regenerate the surface properties of the material (wear resistance, corrosion resistance, heat resistance, etc.), play a protective role, and repair the size reduction of parts caused by wear, corrosion or processing tolerances. At the same time, it can also give the material surface with special properties (electricity, light, magnetism, etc.). Nowadays, the widely used methods in production practice mainly include flame spraying (including wire flame spraying, powder flame spraying, supersonic flame spraying, explosive spraying, etc.), plasma arc spraying and electric arc spraying. Based on the huge potential of the thermal spray market and its social and economic benefits, thermal spray technology has received great attention within the scope.


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