



The composition, morphology and structure of the plasma spray powder used in aero-engines were analyzed, and the domestically developed powders of the same type were compared with those produced abroad. In terms of aspects, it has reached or approached the foreign level, but the structure, density and composition phase distribution of the coating after spraying are far behind similar foreign coatings. An important part of the localization work.

Spray powder occupies a very important position in the whole thermal spray material. Thermal spray alloy powders include nickel-based, iron-based and cobalt-based alloy powders, which are used in the repair and protection of mechanical parts according to different coating hardness.

1. The base material is not limited, it can be metal and non-metal, and can be sprayed on various base materials;

2. The coating materials that can be sprayed are extremely wide, and thermal spraying technology can be used to spray almost all solid engineering materials, such as cemented carbide, ceramics, metals, graphite, etc.;

3. During the spraying process, the temperature rise of the base material is small, and no stress and deformation are generated.


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