


       The two process parameters of powder feeding amount and arc power are the main parameters in the spraying process, and they are also parameters that need to be talked about frequently, and these two parameters are related to each other. For powders of the same grade and particle size, different arc powers should be applied under different powder feeding rates. When the feeding amount of powder is constant, if the arc power is too small, the powder will not melt well, and there will be too much raw powder in the coating. When the powder hits the workpiece, the deformation will be insufficient, and there will be more powder bouncing loss. At this time, the deposition efficiency is low. , the qualified coating is not firmly combined with the substrate. On the contrary, if the arc power is too large, although the powder is melted and deformed well by impact, the powder is too much oxidized and ablated by heat, and more smoke and dust are mixed in the coating, which also reduces the deposition efficiency and the bonding is not strong. The method to determine the best corresponding value of powder feeding amount and arc power in production is to carry out deposition efficiency test, and spray the arc power value at the highest point in the deposition efficiency curve.


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