


       Nanostructure is a new system constructed or constructed on the basis of nanoscale material units according to certain rules, including one-dimensional, two-dimensional and three-dimensional systems. These units of matter include nanoparticles, nanorods, stable clusters or artificial atoms, nanotubes, nanowires, and nano-sized pores. Nanostructures have the characteristics of nanomaterials, such as quantum size effect, small size effect, surface effect, etc., and there are new effects caused by the combination of nanostructures, such as quantum coupling effect and synergistic effect. Therefore, nanostructure system, as a scientific connotation, is a new category with both connections and differences with nanomaterials.

      The application of nanostructured thermal spray materials on mechanical components in various service environments is increasing, because the mechanical properties of thermal spray nanocoatings have been significantly improved, including hardness, bond strength, toughness, wear resistance and resistance. resilience, etc. However, thermal spraying of nano-powders is not easy, because nano-powders are not easy to agglomerate into larger-sized particles, and are unstable under the action of thermal spraying flames, and it is difficult to deposit after reaching the surface of the workpiece. The technological breakthrough for a large number of applications is to reconstitute nano-sized particles into larger-sized (such as micron-sized) particles through a certain process, which can overcome the difficulty of thermal spraying of nanoparticles.


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