



In Japan, thermal spraying is called "spraying", which explains the principle of thermal spraying. In fact, thermal spraying is a surface processing method of spraying materials heated to a molten state by various heat sources, atomized by airflow and sprayed on the surface of parts to form spray layers with different functions. Types of thermal spraying: The working principle of thermal spraying generally comes from welding. According to the different heat sources, it is divided into flame spraying, arc spraying and plasma spraying. In the 1980s, flame spraying gave rise to high-speed flame spraying, or supersonic flame spraying. These types of spraying have their own advantages and limitations and are used in different occasions. Application of thermal spraying: Thermal spraying technology is now widely used in aerospace, aviation, electronics, communications, semiconductors, automobiles, electric power, machinery, artificial implantation, metallurgy, chemical industry, petroleum, coal, railways, kitchenware, textiles and many other sectors , and as materials science advances, new applications are emerging.


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