


       Supersonic arc spraying

(1) The supersonic arc sprayed metal coating has a long service life of high temperature corrosion resistance and wear resistance, which can effectively extend the service life of the boiler water wall tube wall by 4 to 6 years, greatly reducing the cost of power generation.

(2) The bonding force between the supersonic arc sprayed metal coating and the boiler tube wall and fins is as high as 300MPa, and it is equivalent to the thermal expansion coefficient of the tube wall, which can ensure that the coating will not peel or crack under hot and cold conditions. , no peeling, etc., the anti-wear effect is long-lasting and effective.

(3) The thermal conductivity of the supersonic arc sprayed metal coating is strong, and the thickness of the coating is generally controlled within the range of 0.5 to 0.6 mm. If the thickness of the supersonic arc sprayed metal coating is too low, the anti-wear time will be shortened; if the coating thickness is too large, it may cause peeling, bursting and peeling of the anti-wear coating after the boiler is put into high temperature operation, which will affect the heating of the boiler. The wear resistance of some parts of the surface will change the direction of airflow where the coating peels off and aggravate the degree of wear in severe cases.

(4) The construction process of supersonic arc spraying metal coating is simple, that is: remove the floating ash and scale on the surface of the heating surface of the boiler water wall; blast the treated surface with compressed air to remove the oxidation on the surface. supersonic arc spraying layer by layer on the surface to be treated at a spraying distance of 250~300mm and an angle of 60°~80°, and the adjacent spraying area should be 1/1/2 3 Overlaps in width, 90° each time, until the thickness of the coating meets the specified requirements.


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