


       Boiler spraying, thermal spraying, boiler anti-wear spraying, boiler anti-corrosion spraying, supersonic arc spraying, boiler heating surface anti-wear anti-corrosion, boiler water wall anti-wear spraying, deflector anti-wear, anti-wear plate installation, boiler deflector plate installation , latitude and longitude anti-wear

Industrial boiler thermal spraying anticorrosion effect is obvious

Industrial boiler thermal spraying anti-corrosion is based on the high-temperature corrosion resistance and anti-abrasion damage of the four industrial boiler tubes (boiler water wall, boiler superheater tube, reheater tube and boiler economizer tube) using rapid arc spraying technology. The surface layer of the tube is made of heat-insulating corrosion coating to significantly improve the service life of the four tubes of the heating furnace. The service life of most sprayed boiler water-cooled wall tubes (especially the positions of boiler soot blowers and burners) of pulverized coal heating furnaces can reach six years by solving the high temperature heating surface of the wall thickness (windward particle flushing surface). above. The wall thickness of circulating fluidized bed boiler water-cooled wall tubes and boiler superheater tubes is gradually reduced due to high temperature air oxidation, sulfide corrosion, particulate matter washing, etc. moon. According to the arc spraying solution, the service life of the position can reach more than 2 years.


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