


       Keywords on this page: boiler spraying, thermal spraying, boiler anti-wear spraying, boiler anti-corrosion spraying, supersonic arc spraying, boiler heating surface anti-wear anti-corrosion, boiler water wall anti-wear spraying, deflector anti-wear, wear-resistant plate installation, Boiler deflector installation, longitude and latitude anti-wear

The new water-cooled wall deflector and anti-wear technology is to install the deflector on the four walls of the furnace in layers, and the multi-layer actively blocks the wall-adhering ash flow, so that the carried material can be effectively dredged and the ash flow overflows from the deflector. It still flows down the surface of the vertical water wall tube row and the groove between the tubes but does not stick to the surface. The wear of the vertical water wall tube under the deflector is also greatly reduced by the adherent ash flow.


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