


       Keywords on this page: boiler spraying, thermal spraying, supersonic arc spraying, boiler heating surface anti-wear and anti-corrosion, boiler water wall anti-wear spray, deflector installation, deflector anti-wear, anti-wear plate installation, longitude and latitude anti-wear, Grid anti-wear, CFB boiler anti-wear technology, CFB boiler anti-wear technology

The method of removing debris should be jetting or projecting, generally jetting, that is, sandblasting and rust removal. Sandblasting machine is a sandblasting treatment equipment. Selecting appropriate abrasives under certain pressure conditions can achieve high-quality surface treatment effects. The air operating pressure for sand blasting is less than 0.5MPa, and it is equipped with a 6m3/Sr air compressor. When using a mobile air compressor, the displacement is 6m3/s, the rated pressure is 0.8MPa, and the power is 37kw. The compressed air used for sandblasting must be processed by cooling device and oil-water separator to ensure dry and oil-free compressed air. The oil-water separator must be cleaned regularly. The size of the nozzle during sandblasting is 6-8mm. During use, the nozzle should be replaced when the diameter of the orifice increases by 25% due to wear and tear. The distance between the nozzle and the base metal surface should be kept 100-300mm. The angle between the spraying direction and the normal to the surface of the base metal is preferably 15° to 30°. There are many kinds of abrasives for sandblasting with different properties. Generally, quartz sand with higher strength is selected. The abrasive must be dried before use, and the water content should not be greater than 1%, otherwise it must be fried or dried. There are also requirements for the material diameter of the abrasive, and its value is between 0.75 and 3.0 mm.


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