


       Mechanical parts processing is the use of mechanical processing. Under the conditions of production, the more reasonable process and operation methods are used to change the shape, size and surface quality of the processing materials according to the previously designed drawings to make them become mechanical parts. process.

The machining process of mechanical parts is as follows: 1. Determine the design drawings of the parts, and perform process analysis on them. 2. Select the processing material. 3. Specify the process route for part processing. 4. Calculate various data. 5. Determine the equipment and tools, fixtures, measuring tools and auxiliary tools required for each program. 6. Determine the technical requirements and inspection methods of the follow-up procedures.

In the process of designing and processing technology, the determined design is usually modified according to the actual operation, so as to obtain high economic benefits. In the process of processing, unexpected situations may also be encountered, such as changes in production conditions, changes in process technology, etc., and the processing technology needs to be adjusted appropriately according to the actual situation.


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