


       How to repair the thermal spray wear on the surface of the petroleum plunger, the metal thermal spray manufacturer tells you:

The plunger reciprocates in the cylinder body, so that the volume of the sealed working chamber changes to achieve oil absorption and oil pressure, which is prone to wear and affects normal work. There are many commonly used repair methods for plunger wear, such as surfacing, chrome plating, Brush plating and thermal spraying, etc. Due to the easy deformation of surfacing welding, it is difficult to ensure the repair quality. The thickness of chrome plating and brush plating (generally less than 0.5mm) is limited, and the productivity is low, the economy is poor, and it is not suitable for repairing scratched and bruised surfaces. Thermal spraying has a wide range of spraying materials and process methods, is generally not limited by the size of the workpiece and the construction site, the coating thickness is well controllable (from tens of microns to several millimeters), and has little thermal impact on the workpiece. Wide range of functions, high production efficiency and a series of characteristics, so it has been more and more widely used in parts repair and strengthening.

The plunger is the core component of the plunger pump. The plunger moves at a high speed by cooperating with the plunger coupler to achieve pressurization of the fuel. In this process, the plunger is easy to wear due to the high-speed movement, and its wear characteristics are as follows :

1. The head of the plunger is worn, and there are groove marks on the contact surface, which are deep on the top and shallow on the bottom, thick on the top and thin on the bottom, and the wear is increased.

2. The position of the lintel on the head of the plunger is worn, and the wear at this position is relatively small, and it is a comb-shaped and not deep groove.

3. The lower shoulder of the plunger is worn, mainly because there are short fine lines on the circumference of the shoulder.

4. The plunger is worn at the stop supply edge, and wears upward from the upper edge of the chute.


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