


       The weather was hot recently, catalyzing Trump's anger. August 8, Trump issued a severe warning of North Korea do not threaten the United States, or North Korea will be the world unprecedented fire and anger response, the fire not only burned the ice has been Korean , The DPRK-US relations, but also indirectly heat the international tungsten city.

When the international community also reminded Trump how to make trouble, August 10, Trump also posted on Twitter that he became president after the first order issued is to reform the nuclear arsenal , And now the United States nuclear arsenal than any previous period are much stronger and more powerful. Trump wrote that the United States would never need to use nuclear weapons, but the United States at any time will be the world's most powerful country.

Well, obviously the United States and the emperor could not sit still, from the old Bush, Clinton, George W. Bush to Obama, several US presidents have launched a war, it seems Trump can not be vulgar, but the difference is that the first few How did not carry out the nuclear weapons, Trump on the opening of the DPRK, please a great killer, the world was shocked, it can be seen Trump's mouth gun is also the level of nuclear weapons.


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