



 US Geostatistical Bureau statistics show that the past 10 years, the world's nickel reserves generally showed steady growth trend, the static supply security capabilities continue to improve, increasingly strong resource base. From 1998 to 2007, nickel reserves continued to grow, with annual growth of 4.7 million tonnes in 2007, up 4.7% from the previous year, and the corresponding capacity reserves Also rose from 35 years to 43 years. This reveals: the world's nickel resources are relatively rich, the overall capacity to provide good security.

  China's nickel ore type is divided into two major categories of copper sulfide and nickel laterite, but mainly copper sulfide nickel ore, accounting for about 90% of the total, and the associated minerals, comprehensive utilization of high value; The mine accounts for about 10% of the total. Constitute the opposite of the overall situation in the world. At the same time, China's nickel resources situation is not optimistic, the recent further discovery in the country Jinchuan mining area such a large nickel ore resources is unlikely, because there is no new large-scale deposit resources support, China's nickel shortage of resources will become increasingly prominent. However, compared with foreign resources, China's nickel ore resources has two notable features: First, the ore grade is more rich, the average nickel more than 1% of the nickel sulfide ore accounts for about 40% of the country; Second, China's nickel resources are highly concentrated, Gansu, Shaanxi, Jilin and Xinjiang provinces (regions) of the nickel reserves account for about 97.7% of the total, especially in Gansu, its nickel reserves account for about 84% of the total.


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