


       Tungsten carbide because of its high hardness and wear resistance, widely used in various manufacturing industries.Global tungsten carbide end use mainly in the following five areas:Cutting tools,Wear parts,High pressure tools about diamond synthesis,Mining and road construction machinery and other areas.

  With the steady growth in demand for high-performance cemented carbide, such as cutting machine tools, mining extraction, automobile manufacturing, oil drilling and electronic information industries, and the continuous expansion of new applications.China's carbide market is expected to maintain about 11% growth rate.And china's carbide market demand will reach 30 billion yuan 15, a huge market space.

  In recent years, with the country to gradually regulate the exploitation and utilization of tungsten ore resources, tungsten products as a major industrial raw materials, its application continues to expand, tungsten products industry towards high performance, high precision, high value-added direction.

  Machinery manufacturing industry will want to precision, CNC, integrated capacity of the direction of development, making tungsten products, especially carbide to high-grade, multi-species direction

  At the same time as the main raw material of tungsten carbide powder and deep processing of products, focusing on the development of a variety of crystal and ultra-fine ammonium phosphonates, ultrafine, nano and ultra-coarse tungsten powder, tungsten carbide powder


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