



  The current domestic tungsten market demand for the terminal weak, despite the trend of tungsten raw materials has tended to ease, but still within a narrow range, has not really stabilized stabilized. It is understood that today's 65% black tungsten concentrate mainstream offer fine to 10.4-106 million / ton, 65% white tungsten concentrate fine to 10.3-10.2 million / ton, 50-55% tungsten concentrate fine to 10-10.2 Million / ton.

  Due to large enterprises APT long single purchase price down to cash 158,000 / ton, APT market turnover of weak, manufacturers mainstream offer down to 16.1-16.3 million / ton, but less than 160,000 / ton mostly reluctant to ship, and this At the same time, tungsten powder inquiry trading flat, business offer also continued to steadily lower.


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