


       1. The raw material of hard alloy is carbide, such as tungsten carbide, titanium carbide such a kind of high melting point, hard and brittle metal compounds.

2. After hard alloy is made into tools and molds, it is difficult to further process to the appropriate shape and size due to the high hardness.

3. It is difficult to combine these tungstens to form workpieces of a certain shape and size, so they have to be "glued" to each other with an adhesive, usually cobalt, called a hard alloy.

4. It is difficult to mix cobalt and steel with tungsten carbide by common methods. Meanwhile, tungsten carbide has a high melting point and is not easy to be smelted.

So, they're all turned into powder, and then the powder is easily mixed, and then it's pressurized, and then it's sintered, and then the tiny particles of cobalt melt, and tungsten carbide doesn't melt at that temperature, and it cools, and the cobalt combines the tungsten carbide powder into a whole.

It can be known from the above production process that the production of cemented carbide products can only be produced by powder metallurgy.


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